Club Activities
Somerset Hills Kennel Club All Breed & Obedience Show
Click above to access a scanned image of an original, hand marked 1923 Premium List, courtesy of the Amercian Kennel Club Library & Archives (TM)
The first show took place on September 14, 1923 at the Far Hills Fair grounds, under the leaders of Club President K.B. Schley, and Show Chairman, Arthur Jones. There were 350 entrants. The Show was presented in Far Hills until 1976, when the Show was first presented at North Branch Park, in North Branch, NJ. North Branch Park has been the site of the show since 1976, accommodating the expansion of the Club’s events from conformation to agility and coursing ability trials.
The Club is also proud to assist dozens of breed clubs in presenting their specialty shows and supported entries.
A hallmark of the Somerset Hills Kennel Club show is the brass band that plays on the hill overlooking the show for all to enjoy. The Club most recently hosted it's 86th All-Breed point show in September, 2022, with a total entry of 1,747. There were dog majors in 17 breeds, and bitch majors in 30 breeds!
Celebrating Winners
Coveted Awards
Stunning Showgrounds
Attention to Details
1923 - Winner not avaialble1930 - Pendley Calling of Blarney (Wire Fox Terrier)1931 - CH Vigow O'Valley Farm (Russian Wolfhound)1932 - CH Heather Reveller of Sporran (Scottish Terrier)1933 - Benson of Crombie (Pointer)1934 - CH Salisbury Sensation (Pomeranian)1935 - CH Edelweis Du Labory of Salmagundi (Standard Poodle)1936 - CH Wolvey Noel of Clairedale (Sealyham Terrier)1937 - Heather Glory (Scottish Terrier)1938 - CH Nornay Saddler (Smooth Fox Terrier)1939 - CH Relgalf Ribbon Raider (Scottish Terrier)1940 - CH Nornay Saddler (Smooth Fox Terrier)1941 - CH Relgalf Ribbon Raider (Scottish Terrier)1947 - CH Deephaven Warspite (Scottish Terrier)1948 - Walsing Winning Trick of Edgerstowne (Scottish Terrier)1949 - CH Walsing Winning Trick of Edgerstowne (Scottish Terrier)1950 - Parc-An-Cady Lilly (Greyhound1952 - CH Rancho Dobe's Storm (Doberman Pinscher)1953 - CH Giralda's King Kole (Bloodhound)1954 - CH Edgerstowne Troubadour (Scottish Terrier)1955 - CH Paomoter of Wirehart (Wire Fox Terrier)1956 - CH Puttencove Promise (Standard Poddle) 1957 - CH Blue Velvet of Soham (Yorkshire Terrier)1958 - CH Merriedip Duke George (Old English Sheepdog)1959 - CH Bengal Sabu (Airedale Terrier)1960 - CH Cappoquin Little Sister (Toy Poodle)1961 - CH Tambourine De La Fontaine (Standard Poodle)1962 - CH Ah Sids The Dilettante (Chow Chow)1963 - CH Carmichaels Fanfare (Scottish Terrier)1964 - CH Carmichaels Fanfare (Scottish Terrier)1965 - Makhayl of TamBoer (Borzoi)1966 - CH Holly Hill Desert Wind (Afghan Hound)1967 - CH Reggens Madas L of Marydane (Great Dane)1968 - CH Rimskittle Rampart (Standard Poodle)1969 - CH Reveille Re Up (Basenji)1970 - CH Special Edition (Lakeland Terrier)1971 - CH Lakeside's Gilligans Island (German Shepherd Dog)1972 - CH Boreham Baranova (Smooth Fox Terrier)1973 - CH Gretchenhof Columbia River (German Shorthaired Pointer)1974 - CH Longleat Hulagan (Standard Poodle)1975 - CH Bel Tor Blissful (Standard Poodle)1976 - CH Taquin De Posty Arlequin (Bouvier des Flandres)1977 - CH Ben Wens Benjy McDee (Gordon Setter)1978 - CH Rimars Rumplestiltskin (Lhasa Apso)1979 - CH Thrumpton's Lord Brady (Norwich Terrier)1980 - CH Green Starr's Colonel Joe (Dalmatian)1981 - CH Dhandy's Favorite Woodchuck (Pug)1982 - CH Hello Again of Sheleen (Minuature Poodle)1983 - CH Charisma Cafe Diable (Standard Schnauzer)1984 - CH Covy Tucker Hills Manhattan (German Shepherd Dog)1985 - CH Harper's Tommy Tune (Pug)1986 - CH Hello Again of Sheleen (Minuature Poodle)1987 - CH Galsul Excellence (Wire Fox Terrier)1988 - CH Rivergroves Run For The Roses (Great Pyrenees)1989 - CH Masquerade Par-T-at-Su-Gran (Old English Sheepdog)1990 - CH Brookhill Morning Edition (Scottish Terrier)1991 - CH Lov Chow's Risen Star (Chow Chow)1992 - CH Kiebla's Tradition of Turo (Boxer)1993 - CH Travelling Man v Dalenbroek (Kerry Blue Terrier)1994 - CH La Shay's Bart Simpson (Cocker Spaniel)1995 - CH Parsifal Di Casa Netzer (Standard Schnauzer)1996 - CH Loteki Supernatural Being (Papillon)1997 - CH Toledobes Serenghetti (Doberman Pinscher)1998 - CH Salilyn 'N Erin's Shameless (English Springer Spaniel)1999 - CH Hi-Tech Johnny J Of Boxerton (Boxer)2000 - CH Khrispat's Megan A Point (German Shorthaired Pointer)2001 - CH Yarrow's Super Nova (Affenpinscher)2002 - CH Linn-Lee's St Martin (Pekingese)2003 - CH Cracknor Cause Celebre (Norfolk Terrier)2004 - CH North Well Chako JP Platina King (Toy Poodle)2005 - CH Hi-Tech's Basic Edition (Boxer)2006 - CH Celestial CJ's Jolly Fairchild (Petite Basset Griffon Vendeen)2007 - CH Shamsh JP Win A Victory (Toy Poodle)2008 - CH Cookieland Seasyde Hollyberry (Pointer)2009 - CH Tolkien Raintree Mister Baggins (Bearded Collie)2010 - CH Tolkien Raintree Mister Baggins (Bearded Collie)2011 - SHOW CANCELLED2012 - GCH Banana Joe V Tani Kazari (Affenpinscher)2013 - GCH Smash JP Sakura (Toy Poodle)2014 - GCH Cragsmoor Goodtime Charlie (Skye Terrier)2015 - CH Baghdad Eleganza Extravaganza (Saluki)2016 - GCHP Vermillion's Sea Breeze (Irish Setter)2017 - GCHS Haloridge's Cruisin The Open Sea (French Bulldog)2018 - GCHG Yarrow Venerie Winning Ticket (Norfolk Terrier)2019 - GCHG Stone Run Afternoon Tea (Standard Poodle)2020 - SHOW CANCELLED2021 - GCHG Sharjets Catch A Hero (Doberman Pinscher)2022 - GCHG Hi-Kel Terrydale Nanhall Mizzconceived (Lakeland Terrier) - click here for photos from the show2023 - GCHS Surrey Sage (Miniature Poodle)2024 – GCHS CH Heathmore's Wintergreen Mountain RI CGC TKN FITB (Giant Schnauzer)
2025 - TBD
Come to show, come to perform, come to play!
In conjunction with SHKC All Breed Show, the club offers onsite Obedience, an excellent location with Obedience rings located away from the hustle and bustle of the conformation setting!